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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learn FOREX Trading in 6 Simple Steps

This article is for anyone who wants to learn FOREX trading with the view to making big profits.

It’s a well-known fact that anyone can learn FOREX trading - but very few traders make big profits.

Here we are going to show you how to learn the basics and apply them with the right mindset to succeed.

The Six Steps:

1. Attitude

Firstly, it’s a well-known fact that the traders who make the money, approach FOREX trading with the attitude they will do what it takes to succeed. This means they don’t listen to guru’s or read tip sheets - they do it for themselves.

Too many novice traders think they can follow someone else and be successful - but the only person who can give you success is you!

2. Method

If you are going to trade FOREX, you need a method - and this does not involve day trading - it involves long term trend following. The big currency trends last for months or years - and your aim is to lock into these currency trends, and make big profits.

The best way to catch these long-term trends is to use a breakout method - this is a PROVEN way to make money, and breakout methods form the basis of many top-trading systems.

Good software is available form such vendors as Omni trader, Trade station, and Supercharts – any of these programs will allow you to test a method, and then when you’re confident, trade it.

3. Discipline

By developing a method you are confident in, means that you will be apply to apply it to the markets - and stick with it, even through loosing periods.

Most traders who follow gurus and tip sheets can’t do this – and as they haven’t developed a method themselves, they soon throw in the towel and discipline goes out the window.

4. Knowledge

You can learn a breakout method very quickly - but you still need to overcome the psychological pitfalls of trading. Read some books that focus on this area - some of the best include:

· Jack Schwager’s Market Wizards and New Market Wizards

· Edwin Le Feurve’s Remisenences of a Stock Operator

Also, any books by: Jake Bernstein and Larry Williams.

These books are motivational, and will keep you focused on the your task.

Trading is all about applying a trading system with discipline - and these books will help you achieve this.

5. Taking a Risk

When learning FOREX trading, most traders try and restrict risk above all else. However, they do it to such a degree, that they end up taking losses as they get stopped out the market. In many instances, the direction they chose was right – but they just didn’t give the trade enough room on the downside.

If you want to make big money by FOREX trading, keep in mind that with risk goes reward.

Taking calculated risks is quite different from being rash - you simply need to wait for the right opportunity, and have the courage of your conviction.

6. Trade in Isolation

Trade in isolation to stay focused - keep in mind that if you are subject to the opinions and views of others, which may differ from your own - it will put you off.

The fact that you may be doing trades no one else may agree with, is good - Why? Simply, because 90% of traders lose - so the mass opinion is not the one to follow.

Learn FOREX Trading

If you want to learn FOREX trading, and make big money - you can do it. The proof is an experiment over two weeks, with a group of novice traders. These traders were nicknamed the “turtles” – and they went on to become some of the most famous traders of all time.

If you want to learn FOREX trading, don’t fall into the trap of believing that you can follow someone else. Get the knowledge - and then take responsibility for your own financial success. You will then be doing what 90% of traders don’t do - and you can then enter the elite 10% of traders who pile up huge profits consistently.

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